SPU - Fundulopanchax (Paraphyosemion) spurelli "WAC-GH"
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SAI | SAK | SAN | SAO | SAT | SBI | SCA | SCE | SCH | SCI | SCL | SCR | SDA | SDD | SDS | SEE | SEG | SEP | SER | SEX | SEY | SGN | SHE | SHI | SID | SIE | SIG | SII | SIM | SIN | SIO | SIR | SJO | SKE | SKI | SLC | SLD | SLF | SLI | SLK | SLS | SLU | SLZ | SMI | SMO | SMS | SNI | SNL | SNS | SNT | SOJ | SOP | SPD | SPE | SPI | SPK | SPL | SPM | SPO | SPP | SPS | SPU | SPX | SRT | SSI | SSM | SSS | STA | STC | STF | STI | STL | STN | STP | STR | STS | STU | STV | STY | STZ | SUR | SUS | SVT | SWO | SYM | p
Agboville | Amama | Bouake | CI | EriMakougie | Fumbo | IR AS 2012 | Kutunse | Loc 9 | Mpesium | Offumpo | WAC-GH | Yapo
2018 | 2021


Both F. walkeri and F. spurelli were considered to be extinct in nature, they had not been found in many year after many attempts as of 2018 and in that year a group went to Ghana to find this presumed lost species and was able, with some effort, to find it. While in some cases the original collection points are devoid of specimens we must keep in mind these are small streams and geographical events can alter this. Combine this with the fact initial collections merely sample one point and may not cover the entire area and the good news is despite some areas having gone dry, others in the are still have some life in them and at least four different locations were collected of fish that could be referred to F. spurelli and one more that may be new but nothing that could be referred to F. walkeri which is from further north up in Cote d'Ivoire.


VRx Copyright 2024
Richard J. Sexton