SJO - Fundulopanchax (Gularopanchax) sjostedti "location Cameroon"
Info Species Names Crypts Plant species Enclycloaquaria CoF
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SAI | SAK | SAN | SAO | SAT | SBI | SCA | SCE | SCH | SCI | SCL | SCR | SDA | SDD | SDS | SEE | SEG | SEP | SER | SEX | SEY | SGN | SHE | SHI | SID | SIE | SIG | SII | SIM | SIN | SIO | SIR | SKE | SKI | SLC | SLD | SLF | SLI | SLK | SLS | SLU | SLZ | SMI | SMO | SMS | SNI | SNL | SNS | SNT | SOJ | SOP | SPD | SPE | SPI | SPK | SPL | SPM | SPO | SPP | SPS | SPU | SPX | SRT | SSI | SSM | SSS | STA | STC | STF | STI | STL | STN | STP | STR | STS | STU | STV | STY | STZ | SUR | SUS | SVT | SWO | SYM | species | SJO
female | art | planted | fry | juvenile | LOCATION | show winners | similar | strains | xrefs
CAMEROON | Nigeria
Funge | Loe


SJO was collected near Funge, Cameroon in 2010, 2011 and 2013 during the "Stofmania" expeditions, and found another geographic locality where the blue form, first found in Loe, could be found.

Fundulopanchax sjoestedti 'Loe'

In 1989 Horst Gressens returned from a trip to Cameroon to the Netherlands and entered a pair of SJO into the KFN show only to be told "these are not SJO, the color is completely wrong" and explained they were what he found in Loe, Cameroon. Thus from that day on we knew there was at least one other morphotype for SJO, previously known.

VRx Copyright 2024
Richard J. Sexton